MASON CITY — The City Council in Mason City last night approved a resolution affirming the city’s support and partnership with the 2020 Census. The Census is mandated by the United States Constitution to have the population counted every ten years, with the upcoming Census taking place in April 2020.

Mayor Bill Schickel says it’s a civic duty for all residents to participate in the Census. “It will impact our public safety, our police department, it will affect our fire protection, the quality of our roads, the safety of our roads, because more than $700 billion in federal funds, this will determine how those are distributed. So if we all step up here in Mason City and make sure everybody is counted, we’ll get our fair share, so it’s really key.”

Schickel asks all residents to fill out their Census form once they receive it. “I know some people are hesitant to participate, but all of it is confidential. I plan to fill out my Census form right away as soon as I get it, and I encourage everybody else to do that because it could make a huge difference for Mason City.”

People can respond to the 2020 Census by mail, by phone or online. For more information on the upcoming Census, you can head to

Schickel made his comments on the “Ask the Mayor” program earlier today on AM-1300 KGLO. Listen back to the program via the audio player below