CLEAR LAKE — The Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a legislative forum tomorrow afternoon. House Speaker Linda Upmeyer and Democratic Senator Amanda Ragan will be participating in the forum. The Chamber says the purpose of the forum is to give the public an opportunity to meet with the legislators to hear their perspectives on current issues and for people to be able to voice their concerns directly to those who represent them. The forum takes place at the Clear Lake Bank & Trust Community Room starting at 1:30.


=== Mason City’s two representatives in the Iowa Legislature will hold a listening post on Saturday. State Senator Amanda Ragan and State Representative Sharon Steckman were supposed to hold the listening post last Saturday, but it was postponed due to the weather. The listening post will take place from 10:00-11:30 Saturday morning at the Mason City Public Library. The legislators will provide an update on the 2019 legislative session, and constituents will have the opportunity to ask questions and share concerns and ideas on issues under consideration at the Statehouse.