DES MOINES — If Iowa voters cannot make it to their neighborhood precinct meeting site on Caucus Night, the Iowa Democratic Party is sanctioning 99 “satellite” locations for caucusing on February 3, including three locations for Iowans who are outside the country.

Registered Iowa voters who are overseas have the option of Caucusing in a student housing building in Paris, France or at homes in Scotland or the country of Georgia.

Seventy-one of the satellite caucus locations are in Iowa at places like college campuses, senior living facilities and churches and religious centers. All locations were evaluated and approved by a site selection committee.

Iowa Democrats are establishing caucus sites in Arizona, California and Florida for Iowa voters who retreat to warmer states during the winter. And Iowans working in Washington, D.C. will be able to Caucus at a Marriott hotel.

Here’s the list of satellite locations, plus information from the Iowa Democratic Party about “early bird” registration to will speed up the process of Caucusing on February 3, 2020.

Iowa Republicans intend to have caucuses at precincts around the state on February 3rd, but have not taken steps to sanction other sites and there are no early registration options for participating in the GOP’s Caucuses.

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