Final plat for Courtway Park to be considered by Clear Lake P&Z Commission Thursday night
CLEAR LAKE — The Clear Lake Planning & Zoning Commission meets tomorrow night to approve the final plat for the Courtway Park Subdivision on the east side of the community.
The commission and City Council in the last two weeks have approved the preliminary plat for the 64-acre tract of land that used to be Andrews Pre-stressed Concrete, located just north of State Highway 122 and between Interstate 35 and North 32nd Street. The southern portion of the property will have six lots zoned as “highway commercial”, with the northern portion being five lots zoned as “light industrial”.
Mayor Nelson Crabb says improvements continue to the Courtway Park area, including the paving of North 32nd Street. “It’s all dependent upon the city is getting North 32nd paved, and we are just about there. I think it’s today or perhaps tomorrow that they put the stringers down for the laying of the eight-inch PCC concrete street.”
A large-scale hotel and conference center is likely to be the keystone of the Courtway Park development. Crabb says the discussion about that is on-going. “Things are going along smoothly as it’s very time-consuming. As you might expect things like this, you’re doing three things, not just doing one hotel and one conference center but it’s trying to get them all together, so that it’s not doing you know the old ‘plop plop’ thing, but there is some standard here that we have set. That’s what we would like to see in there.”
After the Planning & Zoning Commission approves the final plat, the City Council is scheduled to consider it at their meeting next Monday night.
Crabb made his comments on the “Ask the Mayor” program on AM-1300 KGLO earlier today. Listen back to the program via the audio player below.